Weekly Photo Challenge: ”Pattern”


When observing the Northern California landscape from the air, interesting patterns can be discerned.

26 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: ”Pattern”

  1. Thanks SPH3RE, for showing the vastness and patterns of a wind farm. Today I commented and created a link to this photo on my recent photo blog series about windpower. If you or others are interested, here is a link to my post –
    http://throughtheluminarylens.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/woww-part-2-watts-of-wind-on-wedensday/comment-page-1/#comment-375 I don’t mean to be tooting my own horn. In all sincerity I’m attempting to make a connection between to bloggers who are intrigued by windpower. Best regards . . . Bruce

  2. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: patterns-Kengiro Azuma sculptor in Matera, Italy 2010 | Bastet and Sekhmet

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Pattern: Roofs | Flickr Comments

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  6. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: Pattern | blogagaini

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern (Gyantse Kumbum) | What's (in) the picture?

  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern (Sherpa Tibet) | What's (in) the picture?

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: PATTERN | The Adventures of Iñigo Boy

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern | 2812 photography

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